The Long Family

Don, Gen, Dana & Jordan

Thursday, September 9, 2010

November 2009 Camping Trip to Buscher State Park

We love to go camping! With our hot Texas weather we only get to go once in the Spring and once in the Fall, but we have such a great time. We look forward to it and we love to see how we can improve the experience each time we go. The kids are finally old enough that we can relax a little while they run around and explore within our site. I think our favorite part is sitting around the camp fire at night and spending time with our friends and family. We usually make these trips with our friends, The Levees and with Doug's family (Don's older brother). I used our little camera that we bought 7 years ago when Dana was born and that is the last time I'll use it:) So, sorry for the blurry pictures, but you get the idea. So, this is post #1 in this marathon blogging session, now I'm off too get the kids started on their math:)

Our new tent---- our upgrade from the previous trip. I think it is supposed to sleep 12! The nice thing is we can stand up in it and walk around without having to bend over:) It's actually easier to set up than our smaller one. Wanna go camping, come on in there's room for more:)

Dana and her cousin Kiley

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