The Long Family

Don, Gen, Dana & Jordan

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Poison Ivy!!!

Last weekend we finally put the playset back together in our new backyard. When we finished we stood back to admire the perfect location in a nice shady spot under the trees(picked by our dear friends:) and we noticed a vine hanging from the tree right next to it with leaves of 3!!! When we looked at the ground we saw it was covered in little patches. Sure enough Monday morning Don had a rash on his arms and it was confirmed, we put our kids playhouse in the middle of a poison ivy patch. He has had poison Ivy several times since we've been married and it is not fun! Don is outside right now removing the plant and I am hoping that he doesn't get any new spots! I went out to help him, but he didn't want to ruin 2 pairs of gloves---I'm not complaining---- So, I just took pictures:)
Poison Ivy

The big vine climbing the tree

little shoots of poison ivy on the ground

1 comment:

Daniel Pippenger said...

Good thing you took care of that when you did--you obviously don't want Dana or Jordan getting it too.